We believe if something is so great, then it will be, and claim this precept as our own.

We believe, as Wittgenstein does, that philosophy is not a study but an activity, and it is our duty to remove the disreputable mark it carries.

We believe that one must be certain of what he does not know and skeptical of what he does.

We believe there is no lack of philosophy; only that of the imagination.

We live for the intoxication that follows from each reverie turned musing.

We believe that to read is to be changed. And one must be careful to seek those works constructed from the pillars of the passions, if only he wishes to be left in peace also.

We believe that freedom allows one to be a dreamer just as much an idiot.

We believe man is born unconventional lest he wishes to become ordinary.

We believe that transcendence is achieved by becoming one with nature and a few lines of Emerson.

We believe that we mustn’t be too logical — for there is peace in chaos as there is reason in madness.

We believe it our duty to free the world from misconception, and that pedagogy is the foundation of advancement.

And we believe explanation is the bane of art; therefore, we ask that you disregard all of this.

“I have laboured carefully, not to mock, lament, or execrate human actions, but to understand them.”

— B. Spinoza, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.