The Project That Started It All.

The Burled Abode began in 2022 as a project to share an aspiring thinker’s thoughts and reinvent the spirit of philosophy. The name is derived from the burled-wood desk which stands proudly at the center of his study, which houses its creator’s thoughts, personal library, and other works. It has since become a representative testament of the figure to whom it lays claim, and will forever continue to evolve alongside him.

“My library is not there to lay idle but to enrich the minds that peruse its texts as it has unto all of its previous owners; for then it will transform in a mirror of incomparable clarity, and I may gaze to it with my reflection shone brightly upon me.”

The Burled Abode is represented by its creator, K.R. Connell. The project serves as an extension of his thoughts: an ode to the beauty of nature, the arts, and all the lovely things which enrich living itself. From this alone, he sets out upon the world with an intense conviction.


Veritas Numquam Perit: A Letter, 2022.

On the Discourse of Love: A Scathing Philosophical Reflection on Mankind’s Greatest Obscurity, 2023.

The Prepositional Papers; or, An Analysis on the Current Status and Limitations of Language, 2023.

Prolegomena to Any Future Automata; or, The Boon and Bane of Artificial Intelligence on Creative Writing, 2023.

On Religion, 2024.

Carissimum Litteriae, 2024.


Untitled, Present.

On space and time as conditions for existence and other implications on the limits of possible experience, with a critique of the Kantian philosophy.

(Fragments may be published in due time.)

K.R. Connell is a Massachusetts-based student currently pursuing his B.A. in philosophy from Trinity College Dublin, after which he will continue his studies at Columbia University and receive his second B.A. in the discipline.

Following his studies, Connell anticipates becoming a writer focused on imbuing philosophy with his eclectic interests background in music, poetry, and the arts.